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Disclaimers and Disclosures

Medical Disclaimer

All information and content on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  This information is not meant for the diagnosis, treatment or as individual medical advice for any condition and a licensed physician or other healthcare professional should be consulted to address your specific medical needs. 


We make every effort to ensure the information on our website is accurate and informative, however, it is an informational website only and does not seek to take the place of a medical provider and you should not rely solely on this information.  Additionally, before initiating or attempting any new exercise or fitness protocol, a healthcare professional should be consulted. 


Please do not disregard, avoid or delay receiving medical advice from your healthcare provider given information you may have read on this website.  The information on this website is not intended to be, nor should be taken as medical advice and use of this website’s content are to be used solely at your own risk. 


With the desire of full transparency, we would like to disclose that many links on this website are affiliate links, which means that we may earn a small commission for any purchases consumers may make if you choose to use these links.  All products found on our website are chosen with the intent of providing the best value for the reader and will not incur any additional costs associated with the purchase.


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