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Best Vitamins and Supplements for Knee Osteoarthritis to Feel Better Faster

Are you looking to reduce pain and help restore function with some supplements for knee osteoarthritis? Rest assured, we have the best recommendations for you. In this article, Doctor of Physical Therapy Andrew Harkins gives you a list of the best vitamins and supplements to help alleviate your symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.

Quick Guide: Best Vitamins and Supplements to take for Knee Osteoarthritis


  • Aids in muscle repair and collagen synthesis
  • Helps to prevent muscle atrophy
  • Supports muscular strength for your knee exercise program
  • Best Protein Supplement to take for knee osteoarthritis in the link below

Omega 3 fatty acids

  • Reduces pain associated with knee osteoarthritis
  • Increases knee joint mobility and range of motion
  • Helps to provide appropriate levels of DHA and EPA
  • Best Vitamin C Supplement in the link below


  • Reduces pain associated with knee osteoarthritis
  • Helps reduce inflammatory effects of arthritis
  • Less side effects than oral anti-inflammatories
  • Best Curcumin Supplement in the link below


  • Promotes more flexibility and less stiffness in the knee
  • Reduces pain associated with knee osteoarthritis
  • Promotes collagen formation in the joint and joint capsule
  • Best Collagen Supplement in the link below

Topical NSAIDs

  • Reduces pain associated with knee osteoarthritis
  • Helps reduce inflammatory effects of arthritis
  • Less side effects than oral anti-inflammatories
  • Best Topical NSAID in the link below

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How to Reduce Pain and Improve Functional Ability for Knee Osteoarthritis with the Right Vitamins and Supplements

The best way to ensure you have optimal outcomes when you have knee arthritis is to diligently perform a physical therapy program for knee osteoarthritis.  However, proper nutrition and supplementation are key to the healing process and can be crucial components on your journey to reducing symptoms of knee OA.


When it comes to getting the right nutrients, you can’t beat a healthy diet full of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and adequate water intake.  But sometimes we fall short on all our nutrient needs and that is when taking the right supplements can be key to the healing process.


In this article, I will cover the most important vitamins and supplements to take for knee osteoarthritis.  I broke down my recommendations into the vitamins and supplements that are backed by science and shown to be more likely to help reduce your symptoms and improve your outcomes.  I also include a section on the supplements that don’t have as much science behind them but may also aide in the healing process.


I will provide information on what the science says is the recommended dose and how to take the supplement.  However, it’s important to keep in mind that supplements and any medications you are taking could potentially have interactions.  It is always suggested to contact your physician or surgeon before starting a new supplement.

Vitamins and Supplements Shown to Help with Knee Osteoarthritis

Protein to aide in muscle repair and collagen synthesis

80 serving bag of whey protein supplement to build muscle strength for knee OA

Performing an exercise routine and partaking in a weight loss program has been shown to be the best way to combat the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis. Taking a protein supplement helps support the effects of the exercise program by promoting muscle synthesis and repair. 


The pain associated with knee arthritis causes inhibition of your quadriceps muscle.  Inhibition of this muscle means it will not function properly and it begins to atrophy.  Protein supplementation is demonstrated to promote gains in muscle mass beyond resistance training alone.  This will allow for a stronger quad muscle, which will improve your functional ability to go up and down stairs and get in and out of lower chairs.


Taking 1-2 scoops of whey protein each day for knee osteoarthritis should help to provide adequate protein intake.  If you are performing an exercise program, taking this supplement within 60 minutes of working out is the optimal window for protein supplementation.


The best protein supplement to take for knee osteoarthritis is in the link below.

Omega 3 fatty acids reduce pain and increase joint mobility for knee osteoarthritis

bottle of 900mg serving of omega 3 fatty acid supplement to reduce pain in knee osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most commonly diagnosed inflammatory condition.  Omega-3 fatty acids demonstrate anti-inflammatory effects on patients with osteoarthritis.  These benefits include reduced pain and increased joint mobility for patients with knee OA.


The vast majority of my patients with knee osteoarthritis have significant restrictions in their joint mobility that limits their functional ability.  Any improvements in joint range of motion can be crucial for increasing your ability to get back to the activities that are important to you.


Another study indicated reduced pain and improved functional ability in patients with knee osteoarthritis at a 2-year follow-up.  Since osteoarthritis is degenerative in nature, it is really important to see studies supporting long-term benefits of supplementation for it.


The studies mentioned above were done using various doses of Omega 3 taken daily.  However, some studies indicate increased side-effects for doses higher than 3 grams per day.  The greatest benefit, while minimizing the risk of side-effects, is likely in the 1-2 gram/day range.


The best Omega-3 supplement is in the link below.

Curcumin to reduce inflammation and pain associated with knee osteoarthritis

bottle of curcumin supplement in the form of turmeric used to reduce pain and inflammation associated with knee osteoarthritis

Curcumin is the primary active ingredient in the spice turmeric and has strong anti-inflammatory properties.  Curcumin can be beneficial for a number of disorders that involve inflammation and it also works as an antioxidant. 


A 2019 study found similar reductions in pain associated with knee osteoarthritis compared to patients taking an oral NSAID.  Additionally, the same study found significantly less side effects when using curcumin compared to the NSAID.


Many people will take or be prescribed anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen.  These types of anti-inflammatories can cause gastric ulcers and gastrointestinal upset.  Curcumin has a gastroprotective effect and works as an anti-ulcer compound.


The studies on knee osteoarthritis were conducted using 500mg capsules of curcumin, take 3 times per day. Also, the bioavailability of curcumin is enhanced when combined with essential oil of turmeric.


The best Curcumin supplement can be found in the link below.

Collagen reduces pain and improves joint stiffness in knee osteoarthritis

container of vital proteins collagen peptides supplements used for building collagen for knee osteoarthritis

A meta-analysis on the effects of collagen supplementation demonstrated effectiveness in treating the symptoms associated with knee OA.  It showed significant reductions in stiffness associated with osteoarthritis. 


As you likely know at this point, stiff and achy joints can be a main concern associated with arthritis.  Anything that reduces this stiffness may provide benefit in restoring functional capabilities.


Another meta-analysis involving over 500 patients with knee osteoarthritis demonstrated significant pain relief in those patients taking collagen.  Additionally, it showed no increased risk in adverse events between people taking collagen and those taking a placebo.


The easiest way to take collagen is in powder form and mix it into water, your favorite drink or even coffee.  The recommend amount for the collagen below is 3 tablespoons or about 20 grams. 


The best Collagen supplement can be found in the link below.

Topical NSAIDs to reduce inflammation and pain due to knee OA

container of diclofenac gel to use topically for arthritis to reduce inflammation and pain

Topical NSAIDs were one of the few interventions that received a strong recommendation by the American College of Rheumatology in 2019.  Specifically, this recommendation was made for patients with knee OA.


Topical NSAIDs are used for both analgesic as where a anti-inflammatory properties.  This means they can be beneficial for pain relief as well as reducing inflammation.  Also, topical NSAIDs generally have fewer side effects compared to oral NSAIDs such as ibuprofen.


Voltaren is the brand name of a topical NSAID that was previously prescription only but is now offered over the counter.  Additionally, Diclofenac Gel is now offered over the counter as the generic version of Voltaren.  Anecdotally, many of my patients have used a topical NSAID for their knee osteoarthritis and approximately 50% receive some form of pain relief.


The best Topical NSAID can be found in the link below.

Vitamins and Supplements That may be Beneficial for Knee Osteoarthritis

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

bottle of glucosamine and chondroitin supplement for reducing pain and joint stiffness associated with arthritis

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are components of the structure that makes up the cartilage in your joints.  Studies using these supplements have shown conflicting results on whether it is beneficial for the symptoms of arthritis.  However, with some studies indicating benefit and most studies citing no major safety concerns, this could be a helpful supplement to take.


There is speculation that because the cartilage in your joints is made up of glucosamine and chondroitin, then taking supplements of these compounds can help rebuild your joints. However, there is no evidence supporting this hypothesis currently.


Despite the lack of evidence for rebuilding the joint structure, there have been a few studies citing benefits for reducing pain and joint stiffness in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Additionally, most studies suggest it is a relatively safe supplement to take with minimal to no side effects.


The best Glucosamine and Chondroitin Supplement can be found in the link below.


bottle of monavie to use the acai supplement for treating knee osteoarthritis symptoms

Acai is a fruit found in the Amazon that contains a number of antioxidants, phytochemicals, and polyphenols. These compounds have been shown to be correlated with beneficial effects on health and aging.


A study performed with Acai in 2011 showed pain reduction, increased range of motion, and improved activities of daily living in individuals with knee osteoarthritis.  They used a fruit juice called MonaVie, containing primarily acai pulp along with other fruit concentrates.


The dose used in the study was 120mL/day and they used it for 12 weeks.


Despite the beneficial effects demonstrated, the study only contained 14 participants and a much larger study would be needed to confirm the original findings.


The best Acai supplement for knee osteoarthritis can be found in the link below.

Vitamin D

bottle of nature made vitamin D supplement to build bone density and strength

Vitamin D helps to improve bone mineral density and prevent bone loss.  Some studies have shown a correlation between reduced bone mineral density and progression of knee OA.  However, most studies indicate supplementation with Vitamin D does not prevent the progression of osteoarthritis.


Despite the lack of evidence that Vitamin D does not prevent the progression of OA, there have been studies that supports its use for pain reduction with knee osteoarthritis patients.  Helping to maintain bone mineral density and reducing pain associated with OA may be enough of a reason for some people to supplement with Vitamin D.


The recommended dose is 1,000-2,000 IUs of Vitamin D daily.


The best Vitamin D supplement can be found in the link below.


Liquid IV electrolyte supplement for optimal hydration

You want to make sure you are staying hydrated, especially when you are completing your exercise routine.  This is important for healing and recovery as well as optimal performance when doing your exercises.  Electrolytes can help maintain and improve your hydration levels, while increasing the amount of water getting into the cells of your body.


Some people in the clinic can experience low blood pressure or dizziness, especially when exercising.  Staying hydrated is one of the key ways to combat these symptoms.  Taking the right electrolyte supplement can help to provide the proper amount of electrolytes and also be a tasty way to get more water in your diet.


The best Electrolyte Supplement can be found in the link below.

Concluding thoughts: What are the best vitamins and supplements to take for knee osteoarthritis?

The best vitamins and supplements to take for knee osteoarthritis are Protein, Omega 3,  Curcumin, Collagen and Topical NSAIDs.  These are the most crucial supplements for reducing pain, increasing range of motion, reducing stiffness, and helping you to get back to your normal activities.


You can also possibly use Glucosamine and Chondroitin to reduce stiffness, Vitamin D for pain, Acai for pain and range of motion, and electrolytes to promote hydration levels.  These supplements have less evidence than the ones above to support their use, but can be helpful on your journey to recovery. 


Good luck and we hope these supplements help on your path to healthier knees!

Why trust Physical Therapy Simplified for the best vitamins and supplements for knee osteoarthritis.

At Physical Therapy Simplified, our mission is to provide an easily accessible and highly reputable source of physical therapy information that anyone can understand, follow, and benefit from.  We want you to feel confident that you are getting the best content and information that will help to reduce your pain and restore you to your highest functional potential.


The author of this article, Andrew Harkins, DPT, has demonstrated expertise in the field of physical therapy and is certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialities as an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist.  He has over ten years experience as a licensed physical therapist and is an expert in treating conditions related to the knee.


Andrew has worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Pittsburgh in their Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.  Specifically, due to his expertise in treating knee conditions, he assisted in musculoskeletal coursework and provided instruction on how to treat patients with knee osteoarthritis.

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